Monday, July 25, 2011

What we wore yesterday

This is what I wore after work today - I had to keep in mind that I was taking my little sister for a driving lesson (super scary!) So I threw on tight black jeans, loose cold shoulder top and flat boots to be fully prepared. I must admit that I think I went overboard with the accessories. Headband, red sunnies, long heart necklace  a ring on each finger and bangles - was that too much?
MC looked super cute in her gear~ She had her new favorite leopard print dance pants and thongs. I helped her with the top of her body. I lent her my long feather earrings and white man shirt. There was a massive sale on at Ed Harrys in town so I grabbed a few men's shirts for $5 each - thy're all XL and above but I fixed the shirt.
I made it to fit better at the bottom of the shirt so that it didn't look like a bag over anyone who wears it. Helps you look super relaxed without looking like you've gone out with your pajamas!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pose for fun!

One afternoon after work I was cleaning my wardrobe and saw clothes that might look good together but do not fit me - either too big or too small. Thankfully I had my little sister and her friends to help me with my dilemma. It's school holidays now and all they seem to do is lay around the house and watch TV (which is what I did but I can do that). I had MC  throw on her long sleeveless tye-dye dress while I did the rest. I found this long colorful scarf at the Todd Mall Markets on Sunday and thought of other ways to wear a scarf. After mucking around a bit - we found that the scarf could work real good with it on her head! I enjoyed the disco gypsy feel the scarf gave off.