Ellen's one of my friends who looks good in everything ~ even a bag. She wore an all black dress and that helped out making her jewelry stand out more. I really like this big ring that she was wearing. All silver with details along the side and around the main turquoise jewel. Here I present the awesomeness in big bling!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What I wore yesterday ~ 24 Feb 2011
I wore this out to the Business at Sunset last night. A white top with thin cotton is great in hot weather but you can see right through it! I thought it was ok not to wear an undershirt this time because my bra seemed to compliment the whole outfit. The bra was mainly white with a black lace trim ~ my Nanay even said it was ok. The only thing she asked me to do was to add leggings underneath my skirt. She thought it was too short. I also had some nice high heels from Ellen and I put my hair up in a very kiddy way - half my hair up and on top of my head.
What I was wearing,
What I wore,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Last night~
Last night I headed over to the PIIX Group meeting and saw this cozy handbag. I remember the lady telling me where she got it from but I have totally forgotten it! I just thought it looked cozy because of the deep brown and white colors used. And the cats~they made the bag! And look at the awesome wooden key-ring that came with the bag!
Alice Springs,
goofy goober,
Here's a little look at what we wore at Toastmasters last night! I'm standing with Jose and Mien ~ both slightly older than me (ok ok they both have grandkids at this moment in time). I thought that it would be great to see what they're wearing. Both ladies had oversized shirts with sleeves going past their elbows. Both wearing pants in this warm weather! I recon that they wear clothes more for comfort than style but still keeping it casual.
I borrowed my sister's white print maxi dress tonight with a blue undershirt.
Justin our awesome toastmaster also carried a groovy bag. I found out that he grabbed it on his recent trip to Nepal ~ it looked read sturdy and snappy
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wearing what on Valentines
Wow, I have been a little lazy with updates but here is another post! I'll make it quick: Valentines night I wore this. Short mini from Supre with flat shoes and my backpack hangin from the side.
Easy eyes as well; Purple eyeliner with brown eyeshadow
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sharmain's Eyes
Here's a close up of Sharmain's eye make-up from Sunday. I really liked her mix of a bright green eye shadow with a deep blue eyeliner on the bottom lid.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Church on the weekend
Church this Sunday was another fun and yum one! Look at all of us here after the mass! Tita Jene had made a little suggestion that the choir should wear red clothes to Church today! That way we can all see who's part of the choir!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
What I wore today~12Feb2011
In my last blog post I wrote an overall of what I wore - and here's the details. It was a kind of Pokemon
themed get-together (to which I was the only one who attempted to go with the theme at the start). I got a little inspired by some eye make-up from Kpop entertainers
Key eyes make up inspired my make up for the left eye
Goodbye ~ Friends going to Uni
Hee hee. This got your attention no? It's a pic from the goodbye party for some friends moving on to Uni! (yous should see all the other fun pics from today) Above is a pic of cool board shorts! Print on the front is very normal and makes the print on the bum obsolete ~ These board shorts did the opposite and my eyes were glued there for a bit
Friday, February 11, 2011
Nails today!
Nails ~ when they are well kept, they seem to show a sign of sophistication. Why not do them at home then? I went a little crazy and painted each finger a different color. The pastel-like colors are in style now but I do find that they are very tedious to work with on my nails - my natural nail color is seen through (looks tacky and a bad nail job). So I just painted each nail a different color - and it seems to work
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What I wore on tuesday
When I went into town on Tuesday, I was really exhausted. I couldn't think about what to wear so I did to color - matching to help me feel better. I matched a white jacket that is now too small for me with some white shorts. I threw on the dark blue tank top for some variation. But I still thought that the outfit was lacking something. So I added a big accessory - they usually liven an outfit up!
Monday, February 7, 2011
last weekend 4-6 Feb 2011
Look at us gals at the youth gathering yesterday! Diana looked uber cute with shorts, a loose spaghetti strap top and a big throw over! Maria had a cute ruffle polka dot dress on! and We had to stop Caterina from moving to take a pics of her neat cuffed button up gray shirt.
Mel had a cute loose butterfly sleeve top with tight jeans~ Practical and great for running round!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Year of the Rabbit
Today is the lunar New Year! And the year of the rabbit! I had to celebrate by wearing my only Cheongsam. I wore it to work today and it seems that no one was surprised.
I love getting red envelopes!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My blingage today
I decided to take pics of my jewelry from home just for a record. To see what type and style of jewelry I own in the 2010-early 2011.
I wanna make sure I have a look at these pics again in about 10 years-by then it might be back in style
What I wore today~first day of the month
I took my first shot of the day using the family's old camera where the shutter won't open fully. I think it's a quite a good trait~you can get the funniest pics out of them. In the above image you can see that I wore shell earrings. I also wore a chopstick with a hair chopstick in my bun-I saw that it was the Chinese New Year on Thursday. I wonder what you're going to wear on Thursday this year?
Yes a silly face today. I wore a very flowy top over a blue undershirt and black pants today. I ran into Cristina and Jamie today and they said I looked like I was pregnant with the blue top on. Therefore I might have to incinerate this shirt or do something else similar to it.
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