Hee hee. This got your attention no? It's a pic from the goodbye party for some friends moving on to Uni! (yous should see all the other fun pics from today) Above is a pic of cool board shorts! Print on the front is very normal and makes the print on the bum obsolete ~ These board shorts did the opposite and my eyes were glued there for a bit
This is what I wore ~ blue striped sleeved shirt, an orange throw over from Supre and short board shorts. I also found a permanent marker and had my sister help write out PokemonI also just put an eye on my palm to see what people's reaction might be to it -confused was the main reaction I received.
Here's a pic of the chill men's print tops at the BBQ
This is a fun and exciting top! You just had a bunch of guys get together and have a massive discussion about all the consoles they used to have, ones they don't know about, the ones that went with the weird/fun/ancient games~a discussion which I was not familiar with!
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