Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Party People Part 1
Party people on the weekend wear what? Short dresses! Everyone has been wearing them since the mini rules. Minhee is wearing the black and white mini dress that is super fluffy on the top! Thi is wearing a animal print mini, with a belt and a greek-inspired cold shoulder.
I really adore the cold shoulder sleeves; to me they look so elegant and sexy at the same time!
The birthday girl wore a snappy dress from Mixed Lollies - I adore the black and white extra skirt that is coming out! It's like a big BOOM out of her!
Alice Springs,
out in town,
party people
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Drovers Ball
Here are my friends posing with orchids at the Drovers fundraiser ball of 2011 - Look at my chikas!
Hollie - in the ruby red dress chose really well - A deep red color dress looks good on anyone, no matter what their skin tone - and I think the colors the girls chose looks great on them!
ke ke ke The one shoulder dress just makes me think about when 300 came out - bring back the Greek garb!
Tara was in the grey blue one shoulder dress in the middle.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
What I wore for Halloween 2011
When you want to eliminate the possibility of wearing the same outfit as someone else - you make the costume yourself. I found my inspiration: a top in my closet that I had never worn - it was a man shirt with a scary pirate on it from Jay Jay's (When the new Pirates of the Caribbean Movie was out).
I also had a spare blue and white striped shirt that I didnt' like anymore - I ripped it up and mutated the man shirt to create a messy dress for a Pirate!
I looked for a red bandanna, handkerchief, fabric place mat - nothing. I did find a red tie in my cleaning adventures and thought that would be alright to wear instead! I finished my outfit off by wearing one arm warmer with mismatched bling; gold earring one one ear and feathers on the other
My eye make up was fun cuz I just splashed color on my eyes. I threw on lots of blue eye shadow - and added stripes a bit of blue and silver on my cheek.I then smeared on thick eyeliner to make my eyes stand out. I learnt from vids on youtube that you put on the eye shadow before the eyeliner - and it makes life so much easier!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
What I wore yesterday
My mother laughed at my outfit as I went out to go shopping. She said that I had "angry" shoes on and all you could see were legs! I thought it looked alright - high waisted cream pencil skirt with a white throw over vest. Since the vest was too low to wear by itself (for my taste) I added an undershirt. I also had to use a pin to hold the vest together - I think it looked better done up rather than hanging
What I was wearing,
What I wore,
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Night Markets
My little sister and Nauvoo know what to wear to the Todd Mall Markets at night.
My sister kept it casual with cuffed jean shorts, black top and my oversized shirt dress - keeping it casual with MY clothes (anyone got a younger sister? you share my pain )
Nauvoo wore a cute floral dress and black corset top. What I adored about her outfit that night was her Vampire Knight jacket - Its so cool and it shows off her love for the anime and cosplay!
Alice Springs,
night markets,
todd mall,
Monday, August 29, 2011
What to wear when riding a bike
I decided to use my bike as a main mode of transportation on the weekend and had a little dilema- how can I look casual; Not like I'm going to the gym?
Here's what I wore-I found some old shorts from last summer and a top with mesh cuts through it from Mixed Lollies. I didn't want to wear sneakers (cuz mine are ugly) so I wore the flat, lace up boots I got from Betts.
Do you know that my feet get real sweaty and smelly if I don't wear socks with closed shoes(hee hee now you do)?
I had to wear socks but I didn't want those small gym ones because my calves would get super sweaty. I got come long knee high socks from a friend and threw them on with the boots. I did it for comfort at first but when I was out with the girls one of them said that they loved the mix of boots and socks! :)
So if you're biking - wear for comfort first, comfortable bottoms and a loose top.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Day of Casuals?
Hangin out with the girls to watch a dance performance is good - but right after work? What do you wear? I just threw on some basketball sneakers to make my look -_-. Leah (gal on the left) kept her work top - threw on a short slleve blazer, shorts, long necklace and some summer high heels.
Just tweak a few things to make office gear look cool!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Christmas in July!
Themed parties are really the best - I don't get why some people don't like them! You can be creative and abstract with your clothes. Nauvoo was the only person who used green (a MAJOR Christmas color) as a main color - look at that electric green dress. It completely stood out from all the red and white outfits on display that evening!
Minhee convinced these boys to all dress up and serve everyone food! I adore how they're all in uniform, and impressed with Minhee's convincing skills!
Monday, July 25, 2011
What we wore yesterday
This is what I wore after work today - I had to keep in mind that I was taking my little sister for a driving lesson (super scary!) So I threw on tight black jeans, loose cold shoulder top and flat boots to be fully prepared. I must admit that I think I went overboard with the accessories. Headband, red sunnies, long heart necklace a ring on each finger and bangles - was that too much?
MC looked super cute in her gear~ She had her new favorite leopard print dance pants and thongs. I helped her with the top of her body. I lent her my long feather earrings and white man shirt. There was a massive sale on at Ed Harrys in town so I grabbed a few men's shirts for $5 each - thy're all XL and above but I fixed the shirt.
I made it to fit better at the bottom of the shirt so that it didn't look like a bag over anyone who wears it. Helps you look super relaxed without looking like you've gone out with your pajamas!
I made it to fit better at the bottom of the shirt so that it didn't look like a bag over anyone who wears it. Helps you look super relaxed without looking like you've gone out with your pajamas!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Pose for fun!
One afternoon after work I was cleaning my wardrobe and saw clothes that might look good together but do not fit me - either too big or too small. Thankfully I had my little sister and her friends to help me with my dilemma. It's school holidays now and all they seem to do is lay around the house and watch TV (which is what I did but I can do that). I had MC throw on her long sleeveless tye-dye dress while I did the rest. I found this long colorful scarf at the Todd Mall Markets on Sunday and thought of other ways to wear a scarf. After mucking around a bit - we found that the scarf could work real good with it on her head! I enjoyed the disco gypsy feel the scarf gave off.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Ma eyes
Ok here's me trying to be cute - I was really trying to get my eyes in this one because I had some fun with it. I read somewhere that bright eyeliner was coming in style and I always really enjoyed the white on the eyes as a bit of a brightener. So, what I did was outline my eyes with black eyeliner (very thin though and very close to the eye ball) then outline with the white. I like it because it REALLY makes you eyes stand out.
If I had a brighter color eye (say blue or green) then I would adore to do this with an eyeliner that matched my eye color - I think with brown it wouldn't work that well on my eyes.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wearing a necklace as headgear
Hello again! Long time no write huh? Well I'm getting back into it starting by showing a funny picture of ma face. I got some new bangs/fringe on ma face to look a little more like Cleopatra! I found a necklace that my sister brought back from a school trip and thought it was the weirdest thing to buy. It was bits of fabric tied onto a chain and that was a necklace.
I thought it would look better as a headpiece! I've seen the Judas MV, Run the world, and even Kelis' Egyptian inspired headgear in Bounce. I think it's true what my parents said - styles come back into fashion. (no matter how old they are)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
What I wore today!
This is what I decided to wear today! I found a corset given to me from Nauvoo (she said it was too big) and these long flowing pants with heels.
I like this combo because I'm just showing off my shoulders and arms - the flowing pants cover your legs up but can still make the onlooker take notice of them as they might think "are they pants or a long skirt?"
Thursday, May 19, 2011
TM - Bags and Japanese Uniform
AH! Sorry for not blogging in AGES! I didn't realize that paperwork was important .....
But I'm back and I had my camera ready for when I saw Hollie's bag! I like it; it has a a large brooch, leather starps (my favourite no matter what decade), a colorful floral print, and she got the bag locally in town! I'm sure running a small business is hard~that's why I give my hats off to them (Cuz I don't think I could do that)
Next here we have Justin - he lived in Japan as an English teacher for about 6 years! WOW! and over there he grabbed a Japanese school uniform (for boys). It looks so snappy and it looks just like the ones I watch on their dramas! Black trousers, black button up shirt, and a white top underneath. The buttons were beautiful because they had great detail on them and it looked like the school emblem was carved into them!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
ANZAC Day is very important to us Aussies~And most of the hardcore Aussies go to the Dawn Service. I went to the dawn service and learnt from last year that it is freezing at 5:30 in the morning. I grabbed my old blue jeans, 3/4 sleeved shirt, a sleeveless sports jumper with a hood and a pink shawl with tassels. I realized that my arms and fingers might fall off so I put on white gloves and threw on my arm warmers over them. THAT really keeps ur fingers warm!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What I wore today!
Today I went back in time to circa 1953 - I was just thinking about the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
and thought of using that as my inspiration for what I should wear today. From my little wardrobe I found a 3/4 blue sleeved shirt, a brown belt and an old white skirt my Nanay got me. The while skirt I had hiding in the back because I didn't use it. I remember when she first got me that skirt, I though it was hideous. Mainly because of its abnormal length and height of where it sat. But despite that, I'm glad my nanay got it for me and that I kept it! So maybe some of the stuff my nanay gets me does look good - I just con't see it
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ellen and Taps
I went shopping for bags today at Ellen's work and needed to take a picture of her outfit~I thought it was very cute! It's only when I was hanging with her that evening that I found out how she constructed it. She had a small black with spaghetti straps jumpsuit on. And then she threw on a loose, black and white stripe cardigan! I like it!
Friday, April 8, 2011
What I wore yesterday ~ 8 Avril 2011
Ok, this outfit I had a lot of fun making. Remember that big oversized shirt I wore out to Annies'? I had that on in the house and didn't want to change my clothes that much. So, I grabbed the train of cloth from the back of the shirt and threw it over my left shoulder. I thought it looked cool so I used a pin to hold it there - Kinda mix of cold shoulder and a one shoulder dress idea. I then threw on a pink undershirt and a high waist leopard/flower print skirt
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Pinoy Todd Mall ~ 3 Avril 2011
The Filipino people were dominating the Todd Mall on Sunday with dance and food! It was more looking at the traditional and historical look at the Philippines rather than today - They had many traditional dances from all over! I really liked the dance from Pangasinan
- they were dancing on a skinny bench! (sorry didn't get any vids of the dance - too busy biting my nails)
I loved all of the traditional outfits that the kids wore! You can just see all the variety of colors and styles all from a little group of islands!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Out in Town ~ 2 April 2011
When I went out into town on Saturday night I must admit that I didn't take that many fashion pictures (I did take a lot they're just on fb). I like these earrings ~ they were worn by a friend of a friend. Small earrings are for work! And if you wanted to see the shoes from that night ~ just go to Shots Of Shoes!
What I wore to the Youth Hub Concert
Friday the 1st of Avril was the start date of Youth Week in Australia - a whole week of activities for 'young people'. I'm 19 and I feel real old. So I thought that if I dressed more simple than I might blend in. I wore a white and blue dress with elastic and a tie at my waist. I also threw on my sisters long vest over the outfit to give it more layers - and something to cover my shoulders.
I got a little fidgety at Chior practice and decided to do some hand art with the texters and pens I had available~ I honestly was thinking of cake decorations when I made this pattern.
Monday, April 4, 2011
DIY hole T Shirt
I went a little spaz during the week because I needed something new but relaxed in my wardrobe without spending any money.
How can you do that? I think I found the solution - Cutting up and old top to make it look better and more entertaining than having it as another sleepwear shirt.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
@ Church this Sunday
Sunday I was the Gunner Girls wearing their groovy clothes! I like Melanie's combo because it looks so relaxed and easy to do~blue jeans with a big top that's tied up at the side. Ellen wore black shorts, back tank top with a dark green button up top over the whole outfit. Mrs Gunner wore a wavy green floral print dress with a white shawl over her shoulders. It's amazing how a shawl/scarf can add a bit of class to an outfit. Annabelle, even though one of the youngest, rocked out in a print top with a mini denim vest over it.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
This weeks randoms ~ jewelry and makeup
On Wednesday I went to Maria's brithday and saw these great bracelets. I like that combo ~ one with heaps of pearls hanging from it contrasted with the other smooth and orderly bracelet right next to it.
Dancing at Annies
This is what I wore out on Friday night to Annies ~ Black skinny jeans, a red tank top and a pink, size 22 shirt from Kmart. I know it's REALLY big for me but my friend Nauvoo had an idea on how to make it look better.
Tie a knot in the back!
So that's what I did (with her help) and I gotta say that it really did look good! Check it out from the back!
What I was wearing,
What I wore
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
What I wore to trabajo today!
Today I went into work with a black skirt, heels and a sea-farer inspired shirt. I just wore the same shirt that I wore to Catherine's lunch in Jan. I think it's ok mixing and matching as long as you don't do a repeat mix in a close space of time. (that's when people might notice)
I found this old bracelet in our garage in our sewing supplies! In all that fabric I found a little bracelet! This is what happens when you clean your home~you find random stuff that you didn't know existed, or you find stuff you were looking for 3 months ago!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What on earth did I wear today?
Today, as I was getting ready for Bible studies - I had to figure out what to wear. I just came back from walking our energetic dog, hungry and thirsty - I kinda looked like a drunk guinea pig. I didn't care what I wore - just as long as I didn't smell too bad at the meeting.
I kept my exercise bottoms of tight 3/4 pants and sneakers. Then I found an old flannel shirt that they had on sale last year at the supermarket; it's the perfect thing! It's big, long, keeps me warm and totally bogan. It felt really good to throw on at the time, but now just hours after the meeting, I'm thinking that I should restrict this shirt's exposure to just the family members at home.
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