Friday the 1st of Avril was the start date of Youth Week in Australia - a whole week of activities for 'young people'. I'm 19 and I feel real old. So I thought that if I dressed more simple than I might blend in. I wore a white and blue dress with elastic and a tie at my waist. I also threw on my sisters long vest over the outfit to give it more layers - and something to cover my shoulders.
I got a little fidgety at Chior practice and decided to do some hand art with the texters and pens I had available~ I honestly was thinking of cake decorations when I made this pattern.
I thought it would be ok to try out having my eye make-up match my outfit. I thought it was pretty good since I chose to do it boldly instead of half-way. I put deep blue eye liner around my eyes - mostly focusing on the bottom lid. I then grabbed the purple and blue eyeshadow and mixed them together and used that on my lid. I then swept over the top of my eye from the inner corner to the outer corner with some sea green eyeshadow.
My bangles were a major mix of a lot of what I have - I found this leather dragon arm band on ebay and had it on my arm next to some silver bangles (one of them with animal print casing). I like mixing very different bits and bobs together just to throw people off. I liked this combo because it depicts a good view of my style of music. I love the poppy songs that come up from Beyonce
, Lady Gaga
and Mutya
, but I equally adore Disturbed
, Ramstein
and Abney Park
. And do not get me started on all the artists and bands that I like from non-English speaking origins!
My other wrist looked more normal with the safe different sized bangles of similar colors. I like this because it make of lot of noise whenever I moved
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